Sunday, September 7, 2008

Déjà vu all over again (Yogi Berra)

In searching for a way to describe the current situation with the Forks EMS leadership team, the terms "Yikes," "Rats," and "What the Heck," came to mind. I settled on the most apropos - "Déjà vu all over again."

I was unable to attend the BoS meeting. According to press reports, the Forks EMS leadership team was not at the BoS meeting either. What the heck!

Forks Township BoS requested that Forks EMS produce a business plan and current financial statements by Tuesday September 2, 2008. Neither the business plan nor financial statements were sent to the township. Both the Express-Times and Morning Call reported that Forks EMS instead sent a letter to the BoS blaming our supervisors for creating the squad’s financial problems. According to the Morning Call article, "Forks EMS' last financial statement, as of May 31, showed $183,000 of liability and $274,000 of long-term debt." Without any pathway to profitability, any hope for the financial viability of Forks EMS is waning.

I am worried about the situation. Forks EMS leadership has been remiss in not creating a viable business plan, including a way to reduce debt. The EMS volunteers who provide Forks Township residents with quality care deserve better than this. The families and residents of Forks Township deserve better. It is time to act.


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