Monday, October 20, 2008

KMRD Decision - David Billings Public Comments

The following were my public comments to the Forks Township Zoning Hearing Board:

I speak to you tonight as a concerned parent and citizen of Forks Township. A allot of time as passed since the first hearing on August 7, 2006. You have listened to a mountain of evidence regarding this challenge. However, I believe the basic question is quite simple.

Is KMRD asking Forks Township to change its zoning laws due to changing housing economic conditions? Let’s review the facts:

  • By their own admission, they made an economic decision to built large expensive houses to accommodate the housing demand, but also to increase their profits.
  • By their own admission and several Township experts, the current zoning laws allow for the building of town homes and affordable housing in Forks Township.
  • By their own admission, they can build houses today in the FP district and still make a profit.

So, what is the motive of the developer? It is to maximize their profits at the expense of our township, Easton Area schools, and our Quality of Life.

It is true tonight, as it was in October 1, 2007, when the Zoning Hearing Board voted 5 to 0 against a proposed settlement.

In my opinion, this proposal will add 6000 more cars on our road every day, 4,800 more students in the schools, and Forks Township would lose about 25% of the remaining open farm fields. Not to mention, the aggravation and frustration of fighting heavy traffic in the township on a daily basis would be a burden. 

If KMRD wants to build a development in our township, then they should submit a plan that adheres to the current zoning laws. One of my neighbors said it best: “The building of the Kings Mill development will devastate this community!”

So far, you have held firm in your belief our Zoning Laws are right and will be upheld in a court of law. I strongly urge the Zoning Hearing Board to continue to hold our ground and reject this challenge.

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