Sunday, May 31, 2009

Web Casting Public Meetings

It seems like another governing body has "caved in" to modern technology.  According to a Express-Times article (dated May 31, 2009), the EASD school board will start streaming via the Internet  all school board meetings starting June 18, 2009, but not the various committee meetings.  It is about time!

My concern is the various committee meetings will not be streamed to the public via the Internet. If you have attended any school board meetings, it is a very fast paced meeting with an long and aggressive agendas.  Most of the decisions are made at the committee meetings and approved by the school board.  Unless you attend the committee meetings, the public has limited input to the decisions.

Here is my challenge to the EASD school board.  All public meetings (including committee meetings) should be streamed to the public, so we can see and understand the entire decision making process. Additionally, provide a way (IM or email) for the home audience to ask questions and provide input to the meetings. Finally, the school board needs to allow public input and comment on all agenda items. I know this will cause the school board to hold two meetings  a month, but it will improve the transparency between the public and the board members.

I must admit this is a step in the right direction, but the school board needs to provide complete transparency to the public by broadcasting all public meetings. It is the right thing to do!

Get Involved! Every Voice Counts!

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